
For a real life example of my services, please take a look at what one of my clients has to say about Why You Need a Personal Development Editor.

I've been professionally editing for over five years, and I provide developmental content and line editing. My turnaround time is typically very quick. I will let you know when you submit your work when I will start the edit and when I will be finished. The first round edit typically takes three weeks or less, depending on my schedule. If you need a rush job, there is a 10% rush fee added.

My rate includes a first round developmental content edit and a second round line edit! That second edit is especially important for catching those little typos and missed words that might be overlooked during the first developmental content edit. Plus, it lets me edit any revisions you've made after the first edit. If you would like a fresh pair of eyes to give your stories a final sweep, I can recommend a proofreader to you.

I also offer formatting services for ebooks and print books. In addition to formatting paragraphs and chapters, it includes the front matter at the beginning of the book and any content you'd like at the end of the book, such as an author page and additional information about your other books, including hyperlinks.

Developmental Editing, includes Copyediting:
$15 per 1K words rounded up to the nearest thousand
(This includes two rounds of edits.)
Ex.: 14,144 words is 15K X $15 = $225

$10 per 1K words rounded up to the nearest thousand
(This includes one round of edits.)
Ex.: 14,144 words is 15K X $10 = $150

$30 under 30K
$50 31 – 50K
$75 51 – 75K
$100 over 75K

When I send you the completed 1st Edit, I will also send you an invoice using PayPal. I require full payment before I begin the 2nd Edit.

Let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to working with you.

Best wishes,
Andrea Dickinson